Pickled Mustard Green with Chicken Soup (Tom Pak-Gad Dong) : ต้มผักกาดดอง

Pickled lettuce soup with spare is easy and simple recipe to cook. This soup has a perfect flavor of saltiness and sourness from pickled mustard green. Chicken is well simmered with pork and pickled mustard greens. Enjoy alongside rice, if desired.

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Pickled Mustard Green with Chicken Soup


8-10 pieces chicken wing sticks
300 g pickled mustard greens, washed and dry

Pickled Mustard Green with Chicken Soup
5 cups water
4-5 garlics, crushed
1 teaspoon black pepper
1/2 teaspoon sugar
2 teaspoons soy sauce

Pickled Mustard Green with Chicken Soup


1. Bring water to boil, add garlic and black pepper to the water.

Pickled Mustard Green with Chicken Soup

2. Add chicken and season it with sugar and soy sauce, then simmer gently for 10 - 15 minutes.

Pickled Mustard Green with Chicken Soup

3. Add the pickled mustard leaves and bring back to the boil for 5-7 minutes.

Pickled Mustard Green with Chicken Soup

4. Turn off the heat and transfer all soup to a serving bowl.

Pickled Mustard Green with Chicken Soup
