Weather in Koh Phi Phi

Koh Phi Phi has only two seasons - the wet and the dry. Weather conditions are at their best at Koh Phi Phi Islands from November to March, when a cooling wind keeps the heat at bay and humidity level is low here. From March to May the temperature rises as the cooling wind departs and the humidity rises.

In April monsoonal weather usually arrives to Koh Phi Phi, which is expected to last until October. Peak rainfall levels are usually experienced in September and October. Outside of these months, the rain can often come in a short, heavy shower, usually in the afternoon.

Koh Phi Phi has similar weather conditions with other West coast destinations throughout the year as they all experience the impact of the Andaman sea. Temperatures and weather conditions in these locations might differ a bit in short term but in long term it's not notable so you can easily combine a visit to Koh Phi Phi with other nearby destinations like Phuket or Krabi.

Overall weather conditions in Koh Phi Phi


✦-perfect ✦-very good ✦-good ✦-uncomfy ✦-better stay home!

In January and February weather in Koh Phi Phi is perfect as average high temperatures reach 33-34 °C and only about 5 days get some rain. Beach fans can enjoy plenty of sunshine – about 7 hours per day.

March, April and December also bring nice weather to Koh Phi Phi. Only about 10 rainy days are expected in a month with mean 6 daily sunshine hours. In December, temperatures in Koh Phi Phi are relatively low as average high temperature is about 31.5 °C. However, March and April are the hottest months in Koh Phi Phi as the temperatures can reach more than 34 °C on average.

Koh Phi Phi weather in May and June is still good enough for holidays on the island even if about 16 rainy days are expected during these months. However, mean 5 daily sunshine hours still promise plenty of quality time on the beach. Temperatures during May and June starts to get lower and the average high becomes about 32-33 °C.

July and November in Koh Phi Phi gets about 18 rainy days with average high temperatures about 31-31.5 °C. The risk of getting wet gets higher but the rain isn’t that constant.

From August to October Koh Phi Phi weather is really wet as the island receives plenty of rainfall. However, it doesn’t rain daily as 18 to 22 rainy days can be expected. High temperatures normally stays at 31 °C. 

The best time to avoid rain in Koh Phi Phi


✦ - chance of getting wet is close to minimum

✦ - a bit of rain every few days might be expected

✦ - the rain isn't constant and long lasting, if any

✦ - chances of rainy day are higher than 50/50 

✦ - not only umbrella can be handy, boat too!


Weather of Thailand regions

Thailand is big and at the same time the weather may vary a lot in different regions of the country. If you are planning to visit other parts of the country too, check what is the weather in all Thailand regions.

Thailand weather by month

Thailand weather changes significantly throughout the year. Check Thailand weather by month and get an idea what weather should be expected at the time of your visit.

The best time to visit Thailand

The peak tourism season of Thailand is the cool season lasting from November to February when the weather is coolest and driest but the country can be visited outside the peak tourism season - just choose the best time for your Thailand trip plan!