Thailand Weather in November

The climate in Thailand in November is characterized by the official end of the rainy season and the beginning of cool season, which is call winter by locals. In November, the rain is getting less common for much of Thailand, especially later in the month. November brings stable temperatures. Humidity and temperature is relatively low.

November is a good time of year to visit northern Thailand. Central Thailand is also experiencing favorable weather conditions. Places like Koh Chang and Hua Hin are a good choice for beach lovers as they enjoy plenty of sunshine and minimal rainfall this month. On the east coast, especially the islands of Koh Samui, Koh Phangan and Koh Tao, November is a real wet season so it is better to avoid them and choose beaches on the west of Thailand.

Wonderful November weather starts to attract a huge number of tourists from all over the world to Thailand. The weather in Thailand in November is comfortable because there is no sweltering heat, but only pleasant warmth. Daytime air temperature does not exceed 32°C and at night the air cools down to 22°C. During this period, the weather is clear and there are practically no cloudy days. However, it is still too early to talk about the ideal weather that travelers see on colorful photographs in travel magazines. November is more of a transition from wet to dry season, which will last until February.

Summary of Thailand weather in November

Average temperature: 29°C

Average daytime temperature: 32°C

Average temperature at night: 22°C

Number of sunny hours: 8

Precipitation in mm: 181 mm

Number of rainy days in the month: 19

Water temperature: 30°C

Details about the weather in November

Bangkok and Central Thailand

The capital Bangkok and Central Thailand is a suitable travel destination in November. The precipitation will be reduced to a minimum in Bangkok and Central Thailand, especially in the second half of the month. Rain may occur but that's moderate and it won't last. It is significantly drier compared to the previous months.

The temperatures are between 23°C and a maximum of 32°C. There can be a difference of up to 10°C between day and night temperatures. Such temperatures are rather fresh for locals, while it should be warm enough for travelers from European conditions. The air loses its humidity and the sky shows the sun.

Eastern Thailand

During the month of November, the amount of rain also decreases significantly, with an average of 9 days in the eastern part of Thailand. Average temperatures during the day are around 32°C. The water in the gulf near the island Koh Samet is warmed up to 29°C. On some evenings, the temperature may drop just above 20°C. The sky clears, offering an average of eight hours of sunshine a day. Koh Chang and the surrounding islands begin to get more tourists.

Northern Thailand

November is very pleasant in northern Thailand with ideal weather conditions. Precipitation is at its minimum with no more than 5 rainy days a month. The rain will not be a problem for your trip. Average daily temperatures are around 30°C during the day with colder evenings. In the evening, however, the temperature drops significantly below 20°C. If you go on a trek and spend the night outside, then don't forget to pack a jacket or sweatshirt and sleeping bag, it will be cold at night.

Northeast Thailand - Isan

Northeast Thailand or Isan is also very pleasant in November. During this month, it will be particularly dry in the northeastern part of the country. Here an average of around 2 days of rain can be expected. There are pleasant temperatures around 30°C. The evenings are colder than in the north and temperatures drop slightly below 20°C. Evenings with a temperature of around 16-17°C and the humid air might be a challenge for some. This month is an excellent time for a tourist getaway.

Southern Thailand - East Coast

The largest amount of rainfall in November falls over the southern provinces of the country. The weather remains quite humid in the southern part and on the coast. With an uncomfortable climate in November, it is not a good time to visit this area in Thailand. Despite the very pleasant temperatures, November is the wettest time in the region. At this time, rainfall is at its maximum - 20 days on the east coast of Southern Thailand can be expected. You will find yourself in the rain throughout your trip. During the month of November, the maximum temperature is 31°C and the minimum temperature is 29°C with a small difference in night temperatures that usually do not fall by more than by 5°C. The state of the sea is unstable and a strong storm can replace the calm. It will still be possible to swim in small closed bays, the water temperature is favorable for this, about 29°C. For a relatively dry excursion, the Andaman Islands should be preferred.

Southern Thailand - West Coast

November is a better time to explore the islands in the Andaman Sea than the east coast. It continues to rain on the southwest coast, but less than in October with an average of 16 rainy days. Average daily temperatures are around 30°C on Phuket and Koh Lanta and water temperatures are 28°C. It gets a little warmer in the southwest around Phuket, Krabi and Trang in November, but expect to get a little wet. November is still off-season on popular islands such as Koh Phi, Koh Lanta, Phuket and Koh Lipe. However, the island hopping ferries are back on the road more frequently.

Tips for planning a vacation in Thailand in November

With the weather in Thailand starting to become pleasant again, traveling in November will be most comfortable and suitable for relaxation in the north of Thailand, especially with a number of colorful traditional festivals being held there.

In November, the tourist season starts all over again with still mild temperatures and the return of the bright sky. Thailand will delight with the reasonable cost of a vacation as it is still not as high as in December - January.

Fairs and Festivals in November

It is worth to mention the most romantic festival in Thailand, Loy Krathong, dedicated to the completion of the harvest in the country. The local residents make miniature home-made boats, place a small candle, incense sticks and flowers, and launch boats with lighted candles in the water or canal near their home. Some people also put coins there, cut hair and make a wish so that they can come true. You will see hundreds of Krathong boats with candles sail along the river making incredible pictures. Many celebrations take place in all Thailand. It is particularly worth seeing in Sukhothai, Chiang Mai and Bangkok. The festival usually falls at the end of the month.

There is also Festival of the Bridge on the River Kwai, which was a part of the road of death, built during the Second World War by prisoners and the local population. The festival includes theatrical performances and colorful music shows.

In Surin, the Elephant Festival is organized, during which these smart animals play football, compete in running and hunting skills.

The Monkey Festival is taking place in the city of Lobpuri. A chic buffet with sweets, ice cream and fruits is organized for them.

During this time, the rice harvest also begins in Northeast Thailand. In Isan province like Surin, Ubon Ratchathani, and Chaiyaphum, you can take a look at the rice fields and watch the farmers harvest.

Overall weather conditions in Thailand in November

Bangkok weather in November is ✦ - very good

Chiang Mai weather in November is ✦ - perfect

Krabi weather in November is ✦ - good

Koh Samui weather in November is ✦ - uncomfy

Phuket weather in November is ✦ - good

Pattaya weather in November is ✦ - very good

Kanchanaburi weather in November is ✦ - very good

Hua Hin weather in November is ✦ - very good

Koh Chang weather in November is ✦ - very good

Isan weather in November is ✦ - very good


Chance of rain in Thailand in November

Chance of rain in Bangkok in November is:

✦ - a bit of rain every few days might be expected

Chance of rain in Chiang Mai in November is:

✦ - chance of getting wet is close to minimum

Chance of rain in Krabi in November is:

✦ - chances of rainy day are higher than 50/50

Chance of rain in Koh Samui in November is:

✦ - not only umbrella can be handy, boat too!

Chance of rain in Phuket in November is:

✦ - chances of rainy day are higher than 50/50

Chance of rain in Pattaya in November is:

✦ - a bit of rain every few days might be expected

Chance of rain in Kanchanaburi in November is:

✦ - a bit of rain every few days might be expected

Chance of rain in Hua Hin in November is:

✦ - a bit of rain every few days might be expected

Chance of rain in Koh Chang in November is:

✦ - a bit of rain every few days might be expected

Chance of rain in Isan in November is:

✦ - chance of getting wet is close to minimum


Can't find the place you want to visit? Keep in mind that the weather conditions in these locations tend to be similar in November:

Thailand weather in November doesn't look good enough for you? Choose another month (January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, December) or check when is the best time to travel to Thailand.